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您现在的位置: 陕西高职分类考试网 >  真题资料 > 英语  > 陕西高职单招英语练习






  1.You can see () if you go out at night.

  A million stars

  B thousand of stars

  C hundreds stars

  D millions of stars

  2.You should () the rope and the horse will give in soon.

  A hold on

  B hold to

  C hold on to

  D hold

  3.People in this small town are quite () to strangers they always try to help out when strangers are in trouble.

  A careful

  B friendly

  C honest

  D successful

  4.The young doctor was sent to have () rest.

  A the

  B /

  C any

  D a

  5.France is a big country, ________ coast ________ three sides.

  A with; on

  B has; at

  C with; of

  D having; to

  6.The girl under the tree () I spoke to was my classmate.

  A whose

  B where

  C that

  D which

  7.---() does she brush her teeth a day?


  A What time

  B How many

  C What

  D How many times

  8.Much as he_____he has a good command of English, he sometimes feels it hard to find an appropriate version for some Chinese idioms.

  A announces

  B declares

  C claims

  D confirms

  9.一When did your computer break down?

  一This morning, while I____the reading materials downloaded from some websites.

  A have sorted

  B was sorting

  C am sorting

  D had sorted

  10.It was announced that only when the terrible disease was under control_____to return to their homes.

  A the residents would decide

  B would the residents decide

  C would the residents be decided

  D the residents would be decided

  11.The manager listened to the customers, complaints attentively with great patience.____to miss any point.

  A not trying

  B trying not

  C to try not

  D not to try

  12.—Was it because of the terrible weather________his flight was delayed?

  —Not really. An old lady suffered a heart attack and they had to fly back.

  A when

  B why

  C how

  D that

  13.She was glad _________ her friends again.

  A see

  B saw

  C seeing

  D to see

  14.Students are encouraged to share their learning Experience ________ their classmates.

  A to

  B in

  C at

  D with

  15.Did the policeman give much __________ on how to protect personal information?

  A notes

  B tips

  C advice

  D book

  16.He spent the whole afternoon ________ books.

  A on reading

  B in read

  C to read

  D reading

  17.I ________ my homework in the evening.

  A write

  B read

  C do

  D have

  18.Susan and Lily ________ tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.

  A pick

  B are picking

  C will pick

  D were picking

  19.It is required that the money _____ paid immediately.

  A will be

  B must be

  C be

  D is


上一篇:2024年陕西高职分类考试英语备考练习题 下一篇:最后一页


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